Just something I observed today, the VP of my division gets no rest...even when having lunch there would be people surrounding the VP discussing work..I guess when you get to that stage your life & soul would belong to the company, befitting the salary that they pay you.
Also the decision that you make could change the destiny of your division, be it to the better or the worse, you are still accountable for it. Imagine, getting cornered politically by some hopeful vendors with political connections to supply substandard products to the company, which way to go...do you bow to the political masters and have inferior product infiltrating your network and causing more harm than good plus incurring the wrath of the workforce, or defying the powers-that-be, protecting your chain of supply but committing political suicide in the corporate ladder?
I was told that the VP would only sleeps at 2 am everyday, going through the vast amount of paperwork that needs to be looked into and signed off. That does not include days where you have to finish up late, attending meeting & functions etc....And that is just running a division of a company, not even the whole company, or country for the matter...
As for me, I'm now contented with where I am. True enough, I've got aspirations to be higher than a minnow in the corporate scene but at the moment I am in my comfort zone....maybe my fortune might change somewhere in the near future? They say that this is the year for tigers...just watch this space, ok!
Also the decision that you make could change the destiny of your division, be it to the better or the worse, you are still accountable for it. Imagine, getting cornered politically by some hopeful vendors with political connections to supply substandard products to the company, which way to go...do you bow to the political masters and have inferior product infiltrating your network and causing more harm than good plus incurring the wrath of the workforce, or defying the powers-that-be, protecting your chain of supply but committing political suicide in the corporate ladder?
I was told that the VP would only sleeps at 2 am everyday, going through the vast amount of paperwork that needs to be looked into and signed off. That does not include days where you have to finish up late, attending meeting & functions etc....And that is just running a division of a company, not even the whole company, or country for the matter...
As for me, I'm now contented with where I am. True enough, I've got aspirations to be higher than a minnow in the corporate scene but at the moment I am in my comfort zone....maybe my fortune might change somewhere in the near future? They say that this is the year for tigers...just watch this space, ok!