Sunday, September 30, 2007

Mechanical Failure week

Got a bit of a withdrawal symptom now. My 'equipment of torture' as been rendered unusable and the technical support cavalry will come and look into it tomorrow. Man, this is the second time in about six months into the ownership that it given me problems. Gonna wait for what's the verdict tomorrow, if it's the same one as the previous one, I'll consider writing in to them for a change. I mean, it's either design flaw or shortcoming in material used for the same fault to recur again.

On that note, a few of my toys are also out of service and to top that off, my car had a flat. So the old adage does come true, when it rains it pours. Just like the Japan F1 at Fuji today.

ps.. someone had a craving for a classic ploughman sandwich, hehe ... also for a pure, unsweetened ice blended watermelon juice....all home made, mind you...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

SMS Our Angkasawan

I saw the headline today and it got me thinking, is it going to be like the popular 'reality-tv' show where they put up the 2 competing astronauts and decide to leave the election process to the masses instead of professional space trained personnel. Only after reading it I saw that this was a ploy for the monopoly satellite broadcaster way of milking extra moolah out of their customer.

But, lets say in Bizzaro world and this do comes true, then I think our "Raja SMS" ould surely beat all other contestant hands down. Some people just worship the ground he walked on and would blindly sms their vote to him.

As for me, the money spent on this angkasawan thingy could have been better utilized. Granted that it was part payment of our export, but so much could have been done with it. But that was just me.

ps. I know of at least one person who would SMS the angkasawan... hehe ... you know who you are ....

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

State of Indefference

Have we turned into a nation of apathy? How many reports in the news hat we have heard about people who needs help in the middle of a crowd but none of them actually lend a helping hand? We would crowd and slowed upon an accident or even a snatch case but none of us would actually administer first aid or even calling the emergency services.

I had similar encounters before, the latest last weekend. I was window shopping when among the crowd of people when I heard "Tangkap, tangkap!" and saw a man with a helmet being chased by another guy. Nobody even bother to stop the guy until a good samaritan just held the man running away and threw him against the wall and pinned him before the one chasing him caught up and whisked him away. The crowd that has parted suddenly gather around to watch the drama.

If I were closer to the guy running away, I would also be in the position of not knowing what to do. But I wasn't anywhere around him and fall into the 'guilty' category. Now, where are Spiderman when you need him eh?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

So Proud Of You Son!

Aiman did something that I thought he could do today. Something that everyone at home tought that he did not have the endurance to do. After a few days of puasa setengah hari, he finally did manage to finish the whole day today. One whole day!!! OK, we had to give in to a lot of his demands just for him to continue with his fasting, but in the end he kept his word.

We're so proud of you son!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Glorified Coffee/Copy Boy

Due to my company's new policy, certain type of meetings especially dealing with tenders, the job that used to be run by us the menial boys are officially delegated to the upper echelon of the management but get this, the paperwork is still done by us.

So in order not to violate this, our presence in the meeting is not minuted and if anyone asked, we are there to do the coffees and happened to be subject matter expert in the area of discussion. Oh and due to Ramadhan, the term can be interchangeable with copy. So we were asked to commit our presence and time, but could not officially appear in any documentation. So its like a loop hole.


Alfatihah to a colleague who lost a daughter yesterday and also to Nurin Jazlin Jazimin.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Shakedown on the 1st Day of Ramadhan

First day of Ramadhan & I felt my body shaking at 7.50 am today. In my mind, "Eh, first day of puasa, not even yet 4 hours into it I have suffered from low blood sugar?"

Turns out to be the tremors from the afterquake that hit Sumatra earlier during the night. Now I really felt the earth moving under my feet. The next questin is going to be, was it as good for you as it was for me? ;-) -

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Ramadhan Mubarak

Selamat menyambut kedatangan bulan Ramadhan kepada Muslimin & Muslimah dimana sahaja anda berada. Semoga amalan kita diterimaNya.

Monday, September 10, 2007

CNN...this blog is not...

Sometimes I might get stumped on what to write,
Thinking about it day and night,
Sometimes I can't find anything interesting to share,
As I can't seem to find any ideas anywhere.

Sometimes my life is just plodding along,
Shades of gray between what's right or wrong,
Sometimes I can just be a bore,
And at times I wanted to be much more.

So if you thinking of finding updates after updates, all done in a timely manner, then you would be better off, searching for it elsewhere...

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Signs that you have arrived...or not...

Was going through my mails and through the sea of bills and spam there was one surprise : an RSVP to test drive a brand new 2007 E90 BMW 5 series. I turned the envelope front and back just to see whether they've sent it to the right person. Did they know something that I don't? Like I'm due for some windfall in the near future that I would even consider trading up to it. Or maybe they've found some money that someone with similar name as me have stashed away. But this wasn't the first time that they sent it to me. The first one was to test drive the new X5.

Why does the 3 pointed star never sent me a invite for test drive? Granted that I'm driving a 9 y.o. model, but the way the propeller signs are working their marketing, time for a change? The dark force is strong on this one....

Sunday, September 02, 2007

The Long Weekend

First and Foremost,

Selamat Menyambut Hari kemerdekaan yang ke 50, Malaysia!

Went back to kampung on Merdeka day, been about 4 months since we were last back. The drive east was uneventful, not a lot of traffic or any hidden policeman trying to catch you in the act of exceeding the speed limit. Got there around 5pm, sempat singgah pekan sari lagi for fixes that couldn't be found in KL.

The boy was excited and when we got there, straightaway he wanted to get on his bike, (yes, we brought his bike back due to his request).

The next day they're were having some kenduri for one of the mrs. cousins who's getting engaged and the order of the day was to slaughter 7 chickens. These were not the run-off-the-mill poultry, these are the free range (ayam kampung) of the Isreali breed, means that they're easily 1.5X bigger than the local variety. Me had the task of holding them still for the slaughter and the cleaning afterwards and I would say that this went better than my last venture. I looked like the butcher of Pekan after it ended. Sorry folks, no pics as wouldn't want to upset PETA or something, suffice to say that cleaning them up by the river was a new experience to me.

Also in season was rambutans and the dragon fruits (white variety). Had loads of them and managed to whisked some home. Those homegrown dragon fruits are much more nicer & sweeter than store bought thinking of ways to grow my own ..

Being back in kampung did provide me with some sort of break from my normal routine ( meaning that I could sleep & eat & sleep to my content without the mrs. bising-bising...hehe) also being away from the hustle and bustle of the city ...

Next schedule back is during the Eid ....