Baby Adi (that the correct spelling deemed by the boy) did another blood test for her bilirubin count today. Initially when we check out from the hospital, it was 175 umol/l, when she was admitted it was 225, when she was discharged it was 209 but today it was 275, on the rise again after 2 days. Seeing this, the peadi wants her to be put in the hospital again for photo-therapy.
I suggested to him that we gonna do our own at home photo-therapy as we had friends who did that with comparable results with what the hospital could achieve but with another big advantage, the baby stays at home. He was reluctant at first saying that for one, to his knowledge no one does the renting out of the equipment, certainly not his clinic and two, it might not be as affective as doing it in the hospital due to the fact that as parents we actually care for the child, if he/she as much as twitches let alone cries we gonna take her away from the light. In the end he agreed subjected to a daily blood test. Fine, at least there was a compromise.
I've seen the way they did it in the hospital, where the babies are just 'patients' to them and if they doesn't conform to the hospital regulation of feeding time, sleeping pattern then it too bad for the baby. Also they have this tendency that even if you brought your own EBM, the wold rather go for the baby formula because it is easier and convenient for them. No way I'm gonna let them have another go at Adi again plus it would be hard for me to travel every now and then to the hospital to check and relay updates back to base.
So with the info given by a friend, I called up the clinic which contacted the mobile photo therapy company. Within minutes, they return my call and says that their rep would come to the house in 2 hours to set up the equipment and the necessary instructions. At the appointed time, the rep was in the area with me fetching him from our designated rendevous and show the way. The equipment was actually house in a large hard shell suitcase, akin to the one you would take for a holiday. Setting up was quick and he showed me, with the help of a doll, on how to do it. Confident that I could do a much better job than those 'trained' nurses in caring for my child, and it seems easy enough.
After feeding her, we prepped her up and put her in the equipment. At first Baby Adi was crying, but as we comforted her, she slept through her first 3 hours under the lights without much issue. Then it was time for feeding and cleaning but this time it was harder as she was awake, probably due to the adequate rest of the prior session. I then put her to prone position, much to the chagrin of the other half and orang2 tua, but if that makes me a bad guy, so be it as I wants my baby to show some improvement for the test tomorrow. Then she relaxed with adequate time for me to catch some shuteye. Then I woke her up again for some feeding and cleaning and she was comfortable for the 3rd session. The rep says that normally they would recommend stopping the treatment at midnight so that the minder could get some sleep for tomorrow, but I think I'm gonna go the whole yard for the first day to maximize on getting a noticeable reduction if not arresting the rise of the serum bilirubin for tomorrow's blood test. Its 1:25 am and I wonder whether I should continue the treatment or call it of for the day.

Baby Adi under the limelight, eh bluelight
I suggested to him that we gonna do our own at home photo-therapy as we had friends who did that with comparable results with what the hospital could achieve but with another big advantage, the baby stays at home. He was reluctant at first saying that for one, to his knowledge no one does the renting out of the equipment, certainly not his clinic and two, it might not be as affective as doing it in the hospital due to the fact that as parents we actually care for the child, if he/she as much as twitches let alone cries we gonna take her away from the light. In the end he agreed subjected to a daily blood test. Fine, at least there was a compromise.
I've seen the way they did it in the hospital, where the babies are just 'patients' to them and if they doesn't conform to the hospital regulation of feeding time, sleeping pattern then it too bad for the baby. Also they have this tendency that even if you brought your own EBM, the wold rather go for the baby formula because it is easier and convenient for them. No way I'm gonna let them have another go at Adi again plus it would be hard for me to travel every now and then to the hospital to check and relay updates back to base.
So with the info given by a friend, I called up the clinic which contacted the mobile photo therapy company. Within minutes, they return my call and says that their rep would come to the house in 2 hours to set up the equipment and the necessary instructions. At the appointed time, the rep was in the area with me fetching him from our designated rendevous and show the way. The equipment was actually house in a large hard shell suitcase, akin to the one you would take for a holiday. Setting up was quick and he showed me, with the help of a doll, on how to do it. Confident that I could do a much better job than those 'trained' nurses in caring for my child, and it seems easy enough.
After feeding her, we prepped her up and put her in the equipment. At first Baby Adi was crying, but as we comforted her, she slept through her first 3 hours under the lights without much issue. Then it was time for feeding and cleaning but this time it was harder as she was awake, probably due to the adequate rest of the prior session. I then put her to prone position, much to the chagrin of the other half and orang2 tua, but if that makes me a bad guy, so be it as I wants my baby to show some improvement for the test tomorrow. Then she relaxed with adequate time for me to catch some shuteye. Then I woke her up again for some feeding and cleaning and she was comfortable for the 3rd session. The rep says that normally they would recommend stopping the treatment at midnight so that the minder could get some sleep for tomorrow, but I think I'm gonna go the whole yard for the first day to maximize on getting a noticeable reduction if not arresting the rise of the serum bilirubin for tomorrow's blood test. Its 1:25 am and I wonder whether I should continue the treatment or call it of for the day.
Baby Adi under the limelight, eh bluelight
On another note, they say problems always come in pairs. When the mrs. found out that there was no water in the master bedroom toilet, my thoughts were like, great, another unscheduled water cuts. We had this problem a few times for the last few months so maybe its time to write in to SYABAS and make an official complain. But then there was water in the kitchen and the rest of the bathrooms, so I was stumped. Suddenly I recall this situation when I was small, and my dad used to relieve some trapped air in the pipes and this could block the water flow, so I gave him a call for some guidance before setting off to work. It showed some promised but then the water flow stopped completely. I decided to check out the tank above the ceiling and to my surprise the tank is almost empty, making my problem bigger than it was. It showed that I have a trapped air bubble in the main feed to the tank and this warrants help from "its gonna cost you RMXXX brigade".
I was adamant not to call them yet and I think this problem could be fixed. Since the storage tank was quite empty, it made the job easier. I tried to bleed the main feed to the storage tank, but that proves easier thought of than done. Then I decided to let all the pipes in the house to be empty of water and would rush water in from the main pipe in. It worked when I started to hear gurgle of air through the main feed to the storage tank and water actually starts to flow in, albeit in the complimentary 'rust' tint from SYABAS. Wonder whether they are in cohorts with these water filter guys.
So far, the water supply was all good and dandy, I managed to save probably 2 x RMXXX, got the bluelight up and running and Baby Adi going through her course of treatment. Not bad for a days job, maybe not to Superman's standard, but hey, at least I don't have a weakness to bluelight. Maybe to green cryptonite I suppose ;-)
I was adamant not to call them yet and I think this problem could be fixed. Since the storage tank was quite empty, it made the job easier. I tried to bleed the main feed to the storage tank, but that proves easier thought of than done. Then I decided to let all the pipes in the house to be empty of water and would rush water in from the main pipe in. It worked when I started to hear gurgle of air through the main feed to the storage tank and water actually starts to flow in, albeit in the complimentary 'rust' tint from SYABAS. Wonder whether they are in cohorts with these water filter guys.
So far, the water supply was all good and dandy, I managed to save probably 2 x RMXXX, got the bluelight up and running and Baby Adi going through her course of treatment. Not bad for a days job, maybe not to Superman's standard, but hey, at least I don't have a weakness to bluelight. Maybe to green cryptonite I suppose ;-)