Friday, November 13, 2009

Farcical Exercise

No, I didn't mean me doing all sort of funny things to be justified as physical exercise, but rather the annual song and dance routine that we got once an audit is pending. This years theme, Hogwart's Magic Elementary 101 - conjuring non existing documents and backdating them ...

I mena, tahun ni tah apa tah mimpi my SGM yang selected me to be the contact person for one of my dept's processes and procedures, up to the point of freezing all outstation trip & leave. I have a 3 day HV course in UTM next week, so it looks like I may have to forgo that ... or if i could get someone to replace me in the office doing the conjuring thing.

It was supposed to be finished by today, Friday the 13th, but I have came down with quite severe fever ... hmmm..whether or not to come in for the day or get MC ... looks like its gonna be health first as KPI pun memanag dah kena potong kan, so tak payah le beria-ia ...

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Quick Updates

It's been quite a while since I last updated this, the last being the raya pictures. Got a lot on my hand and mind and by the time I want to commit thought to text, something came out.

Work - been travelling a lot nowadays, everyone s set new KPI to meet and all want it to be done before the year end. So in a month, expect to see me all around Peninsula running around meeting someone else's KPI. I was also appointed (finally) tot the position that I have applied and went to interview for three times ...

Personal - celebrated my 35th birthday ... another milestone in my life, thinking of changing the black beauty into a kompressor version without breaking the bank, the boy had someone knocked into his nose at school and bled, haven't had time to muhasabah diri pun lagi .... got a family trip to Hong Kong before AidilAdha ..

On a different note, condolences to Bhumi & family for the passing of his dad. Semoga dia ditempatkan dikalangan orang yang beriman.

On another note, two of my friends are going to perform the haj this year. May you obtain what haji yang mabrur...