Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Return of The King

The King has made his reappearance again. After a long hiatus, The King has finally made his way back to the public. Years ago you could time the appearance of The King by the month, but now The King sets his own schedule. The King is known by many monikers, but to me the names do not matter. What matters is that once he appears, he would strike me in awe.

I wonder what sets this obsession to The King, maybe since I was small I was exposed to his presence. The sight of The King always made me wonder, how something so humble and simple could be so majestic. Just one look at him would make you know that he’s a different breed than the rest. It use to be that only the privileged and connected could have a sitting with The King, but nowadays he’s approachable by all. You simply have to set aside your time and he’s always willing to accommodate.

If you have a private audience with him, you could see why he’s different from the rest. Underneath his crown and deep green robe, you could see the royal yellowish flesh. But the thing that you would notice immediately is his scent. The scent would slowly waft to you stealthily, before tantalizing your senses and made you want to bow in respect to him. The King is not much as a talker, but once you get him to open up he would never shut up. They say that The King would help you keep the cold away, as you would always be warm after an audience with him and I would vouch personally about this. But beware, too much of a good thing would also be detrimental to your health. With The King, one should remember that moderation is the key.

I could not say for how long he would stay this time around. Maybe a month, maybe two, but one thing for sure, his presence would be savored and enjoyed. Welcome back, The King of Fruits.

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