Friday, December 29, 2006

Achik's Wedding - Reception on our side

The theme was purple & white. Everything has to be decked in the official colour or will incur the wrath of the BOSS! It was a very long day, fortunately the weather was fine until the function ends (or was it due to ASP Mamat's singing?) I was on usherer's duty on the day. The turnout was about 80%. To all who has made the day possible, we would like to express our hearfelt gratitude for all your assistance in making the day a success.


Setup for guests

Calm before the storm

Kompang boys

Makan Beradap - notice the videocameraman determined
look to capture the ceremony in all its glory

Mr & Mrs Boss

Tea & Coffee Corner
The couple & friends

Malu-malu plak dia!

p.s. Happy 3rd Birthday Adam Nuqman

The groom on pot cleaning duty

Last but not least, welcome to the family Erna!

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