These days all the toys have some sort of electronics to it. From simple toys that can do what has been programmed the the more sophisticated such as Gameboy, PSP etc.
One things that we could notice is that things tend to be 'cyclic' in terms of popularity of games. Who could amongst us still remember our childhood games that we used to play, eg selipar tige, konda-kondi, galah panjang and that sort. It used to be seasonal, where we would play one game to the max and then shifting to other games after the current one has fall out of flavour.
The 'in' thing now is a yoyo and for any boy to be 'cool' would be seen with one. I got my son a yoyo and it might surprise parents at the range of prices available, from RM 5 at the night market to RM70 and above at upmarket shops. It used to to be a simple fixed axle yoyo, but now they have a plethora of axels utilising bearings for more 'sleep'. They even have an accompanying CD for tricks plus with special lubricant to ensure that the yoyo would spin effortlesly.

Playing with it has brought back memories long gone, but there's still a lot of it that I need to relearn to be deemed 'cool' ........
ps....I felt kinda 'over the hill' as the things deemed vintage now was the things that I grew up with ;-)
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