Sunday, July 08, 2007

Mind Boggling Puzzle...

Have you ever been stumped? Think that you should know the solution to a problem or puzzle but irregardless of whatever method you use to try and solve it you could never get the correct answer.

At times I try not to think too hard about the solution in hope that it will present itself once my mind has been cleared. At other times I would obsess in thinking about it but despite my best effort and stab at it I would still not get the answer.

I'm on my wits end now as I have spent countless of my waking hours trying to solve it, plus it sometimes got into my dreams as well....

I mean how hard is it to arrange in order 27 cubes to make a 3x3 cube with alternating colours?

The cube at disarranged state

Closest Attempt No 1

Closest Attempt No 2

Any pointers anyone? A fair reward awaits those who could solve the puzzle....

~Yippee --- finally found the solution. Au usual, when you just tinkering about not trying so hard to find it, the solution will present itself to you ~

~ The proof ~

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