Monday, May 05, 2008

A bit of tradition

The family on the mrs. side decides to hold a traditional 'berkhatan & aqiqah' ceremony during the last weekend. This was done to preserve the culture and practise of having a doa selamat and to gather the family around. The ceremony consists of the berinai, marhaban, bercukur,berendoi plus makan beradap. There were seven boys for the berkhatan ceremony along with Adi for the bercukur & aqiqah.

The berinai ceremony

After the berinai ceremony

The 'lucky' ones

Adi before the bercukur ceremony

Three generations of daughters

The berendoi ceremony - sedapnye dia tidur

The makan beradap ceremony

After the ceremonies -cupcakes from Hold-That-Torte (ehem ... ni free publicity ni , ada commission tak?)

The ceremony went smoothly albeit there were threats of rain dampening the ceremony. For this function, the cooking was done secara gotong royong instead of catering it out. Its good to see that the together spirit is still there in the kampung.

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