It was supposed to be an auspicious date for the Chinese, especially with the start of the Olympics, numerous weddings and any other activities that could be bring prosperity and wealth. My mum decided that the day would also be auspicious to do a 'bercukur' kenduri for all her three new grandchild, Aqeef, Adriana & Shafiq. The majlis was scheduled after Isya' last Friday night, whilst everyone else were watching the Olympics opening ceremony. Initially I thought that it would be like the normal kenduri, only to be told that there would be in excess of 100 guests for the night.
The guests starts to arrived at around Isya' and were treated to dinner first before the ceremony. This is a little less elaborate affair than what we had in Pekan the other day. When they started to bring out the babies, I was holding Adi & the camera and since no one knows how to operate a SLR, I had to give Adi to Abang Atan whilst I be the cameraperson.
The whole thing ended around 1030 pm, whilst the cleaning up goes on until 2 am. All in all, it was a 'meriah' ceremony, with the gathering of relations and keeping up with developments within the clan,
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