They were touting it as 'an ingenious plan' as it has never been done before, and the hype building up to the announcement of the event was so that when they finally unveiled the plan, there were two camps :- one with the premature ejaculation looks & the other with multiple orgasm looks. Why? Because their previous plans were like outrageous and the new sound sounds like, a plan. A sleepover in school, boys only, no family.
I have to be honest, at first I was like WTF?, these boys are so very-the-cheapskate one, but I signed on anyway. Slowly yet surely, the responses and reply were encouraging and the plan finally merged into somewhat a blurry-out-of-focus somewhat brittle plan.
So when the day comes, I made my way back there, through the route that I have travelled frequently during 87-91. Even though I have at some point in time passed through the route and by the school, this particular journey felt like it did years ago. You know, sometime you are not all excited to be shipped back to boarding school from home, you felt that every step closer to the school your temperature rises and you would like to turn back and call in sick for the rest of the year, the apprehension, the anxiety etc..
I think I have only been back to the school twice after I left, one is to get my exam results and the other to pick up my brother. After that they have shifted to the new premise in Putrajaya which doesn't hold any memories to us.
This is the main entrance where we were locked have to submit you approved outing card just to be let out. Sometimes we forged the signatures of the wardens, hehe .. The other unofficial entrance is well..for 'flying'. The school was renamed to SM Sains Alam Shah.
First thing that strikes me is that, did someone ran amuk with some paints? The buildings were like some art deco project gone overboard. They were renovating the school, which we thought was a step in the right direction. Closer inspection on walkabout around the school reveals that the have removed all links to the old school but the facilities are still there but in a derelict and pathetic state. Maybe they don't have the budget for the up keeping of the school.
But, most part of the school hold some memories to us, some dear and precious, some downright should be buried in the deep dark part of our brains never to be resurrected back again. - end of part 1
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