Sunday, May 03, 2009

Thermally irritated

"Thermally irritated".Borrowing a phrase from a friend..which sums up nicely the weather now.

Last weekend was spent in Pekan, which was a nice and relaxing weekend. Consumed loads of food especially satar and mertabak mengkasar. Was told by an uncle that I looked "berisi" ... so don't know whether its a compilment on my new physique or a subtle way to say that I've gained some kgs...

The boy was having a bit of temperature on the way back from Pekan and true enough when I sent him to school on Monday, he vomitted twice before even reaching the school gate. My initial thinking was that he was faking it to cut school, but then again common sense prevail and I took him back home and got a two days rest. After abang was better, adik showed similar symptoms and the cycle starts again up to the point that the mrs had to take a day off to look after adik.

We are in the midst of changing the boy to a nearer school in BK rather than BJ. This is due to the fact that SKBJ is going ahead with their initial plan of creating a two schooling session in June 09. The last time they tried this was a week before school reopened earlier this year, but the plan didn't go through due to protests from parents at the eleventh hour announcement. We thought that if they going to implement it, it is going to be next year but then they are still gpiong ahead with their plans. So we have to do what we have to do.

The long weekend was spent with family functions and wedding with the customary makan-makan. I think I consumed more than a weeks calorie intake int he past three days, and with no aerobic exercise for the past week, it will all be accumulated in the waist. The biy entered his first sparring karate championship, returning with hadiah saguhati. At least he managed to score some points up to tie match. His opponent went on the be the runners up on his age group.

Hectic days are coming ahead, with work related trip for the next two weeks and a personal fulfillment trip of underwater breathing later on this month. At the end of the month, the school holidays starts with loads of weddings and not forgetting a break for the family on the boys birthday in June. Oh ya...Mothers day coming this next weekend ... traditional breakfast in bed with pancakes or something new this time round?

1 comment:

me-the-mrs said...

i want breakfast at the loaf, followed by soft tau foo fah kat food court and then j-co to take home... Yummy!