We had our "makan-makan" Hari Raya Open House yesterday. The purpose is to have friends, colleagues, acquaintances, neighbours and relations round our place for one occasion in for the Eid Festivities. We had lined up food ranging from nasi beriyani, ayam masak berempah, daging masak kalio, dalca sayur, acar buah plus assortment of fruits and condiment and kuih raya, killer sambal sotong, chicken satay, and the piece the resistance, meat ball and chicken bolognaise spaghetti by yours truly.
It was good to have been able to catch up with news and gossips, getting to know each other better and simply meet with all the other halfs. Also it was good to meet up with families of guys you work with. To those who made the effort to show, we appreciate your appearance especially those who brought 'buah tangan' (you know who you are, and I'm gonna send the bill for my new trousers due expanded waistline to you :-) ) . Most had more than one open house to get to, and manage to make their way to our place despite the difficulty in finding the place. To those who couldn't make it, it was probably the last 'do' that we are goin to have at Bandar Kinrara. The next one, if everything goes to plan, will be at our new place, maybe in about another 4 years time.
The worst thing about organising this sort of thing is the cleaning and tidying up afterwards, and we would like to thank our helpers that made the whole thing easier to handle. Te sad thing about it is that my side of the family couldn't make it due to a cousin's wedding in Alor Star, but in a way it helps us to prepare for my brother's upcoming wedding in December.
Thanks again for those who made it and made the whole shebang a success.
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