1, My immediate boss was transferred to another department today. So all of us in the unit has managed to chip in for some going away present, which was well received. Something profesionallly done yet have the personal touch. Good luck in your future undertaking boss and thanks for the mentoring, nurturing, guidance and words of encouragement all this while. Words could not express our thanks and gratitude to you.
2. The election fever is at its highest today. Tomorrow all the eligible Malaysian would be casting their votes for their choice of the government that they want. Please vote and let yourself be heard otherrwise you might just as well suffer in silence.

2. The election fever is at its highest today. Tomorrow all the eligible Malaysian would be casting their votes for their choice of the government that they want. Please vote and let yourself be heard otherrwise you might just as well suffer in silence.
Image from here
3. Steamyx suck man -for the past few days have been experiencing poor service plus connection to my fav sites have been throttled. The office connection was even worse ..... Grrrr ...
4. Adi is more responsive nowadays plus her patterns have more or less been established. Some new photos :-

4. Adi is more responsive nowadays plus her patterns have more or less been established. Some new photos :-

Me : Bi, which part again of her that looks like me? Most of her features looked like you je...
Mrs : Adalah, the receding hair je ... hahahaha
Mrs : Adalah, the receding hair je ... hahahaha
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