- Been on the road too much for the last 1 month. I have clocked in 3000 miles / 4800 km driving distance in one month. This meant that I have gone through half of the recommended service interval, which normally last for 4 months on average. Now looks like a visit to Amiaq is on the horizon, which by the way I still owe him for the last servicing.
- The mrs will be starting work on Monday after two months maternity leave.
- Took the boy to a specialist ENT as he’s been complaining about pain in his ear. This has been going on since 2006, but visits to the GP & so called ‘pediatrician’ haven’t been able to solve it. What the doc did was removal of some stubborn ear wax, did a quick scan and declared that his ears are ok. But what concern him are the tonsils, which have been noted in the boy’s medical records. He has suggested tonsillectomy, the removal of the tonsil, a common procedure nowadays. So now seeking second opinions from qualified & trained doctors among friends plus well informed parents about taking up this procedure. The boy had so many ‘medical procedures’ and ‘unwanted/not needed’ body parts removed than me and he’s only 7.
Unlike this guy who had a major part of his brain missing yet he's still able to run the 'greatest nation on Earth'
- Latest in Adi’s development milestone, she can now ‘oohh’ and ‘aahh’ along to our conversation, which makes her part of it. As if she’s contributing to the conversation. New pics of her included below.

- Went to Keranduts Inc gathering, meeting called by none other than HM King Kerandut himself. As per Keranduts tradition, no significant others were allowed, as it was a boys nite out only. Some of them I haven’t met since leaving school and how time flies during the session.
- The Boy took his karate test and managed to be upgraded to Green Belt. Way to go Boy, we are proud of you.
Karate Kids
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