Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Close encounter of the slithery kind

We were back in Pekan for the long CNY hols and also to celebrate Adi's birthday there. On the second day of CNY, about dusk, we heard a commotion coming from the chicken coop. A quick inspection by Peh confirmed that one of the chicken had been attacked by a python and the offending snake serpent is still there trying to swallow the lifeless chicken.

So out Peh went with a parang, torch light and a rope loop. I follow suit with my camera and flash, trying to capture the 'historical' event. I brought the boy along in order to show him how a live snake is being captured.

The snake had nowhere to go as it has exhausted itself in constricting the chicken. The chicken is not the normal ayam kampung, but of another variety, which is about 1.5 times the normal chicken, hence it had difficulty in swallowing the chicken whole. What Peh did was to knock the snake on the head and tie a loop around its neck and carried it away from the coop. The snake is about 2m in length, probably still a juvenile. From Peh's account, this is the third time the chickens had been attacked but as their sizes are a little bigger than your average chicken, it couldn't swallow it, hence the decision to kill the snake before it launches subsequent attacks.

The pics showed it all, plus the boy posing at the lifeless snake after its all done.

Trying to corner the phyton

Sizing the snake out

Aiman tak takut pun ...

The lifeless serpent

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

perghh besar tu bro..handbag dgn belt lepas tu!!
