Monday, March 15, 2010

Micheal Phelps in the making

My uncle had refurbished his pool (kolam ikan to be exact) because he's trying in a new venture. Previously he had bred patin & keli and when the harvest time came, the fishes were snapped up real quick. But then the pool has some problem, so he drained the water and let it dried for almost two years. During that time he did rear some fish in the surrounding parits, but as usual it became targets for thieves. Imagine almost 1000 fishes of the talapia, baung and patin varieties slowly dwindling due to theft. Not to mention the water pump as well.

The refurbish pool will be housing some udang galah, with maturity and harvesting period around 14 - 16 weeks. Then maybe we could have some udang fiesta ... watch this space ..

Four pools

Eager testers

Ready to set the world record

Berendam sampai kecut

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