Sunday, June 20, 2010

3 Idiots

A rollercoaster ride of emotion...bursting to stitches in laughter...heartfelt moments...

Truth be told, I am not a fan of Hindi movie, somehow I find that their formula too predictable, in fact most of the movies do, except that in Hindi movie they'll break into a song and dance routine at every opportunity they can. Girl meets boy - song & dance, Boy leaves girl - song & dance. They meet up again, song & dance.

Now this 3 Idiots didn't venture away from that formula, but the way its being delivered had me glied to the idiot box. Maybe because it about 'engineering' & that's why it took my interest, but I honestly can watch it again. Even the boy enjoyed itm The mrs cried bucketloads. Hehe..

It certainly wasn't up to cinema paradiso cinematography but it still had me on stitches. A good watch.

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