Sunday, July 25, 2010

In the spriit of 1Malaysia

Work brought me to Penang last Thursday. Upon reaching at the airport, I waited for my pickup. Whilst waiting, a gentlemen of chinese descent approached me and asks whether I'm Jeffrey Tan, as he was supposed to pick him up.

For those who knows me, I don't think that I'm anywhere as Chinese looking as as you would mistake a durian with an orange. OK so maybe my eyes may,
But my complexion is not. I might be Jeffrey Tanbarajah..

So I was a bit perplexed about the matter. Maybe with the mix in Malaysia that rave and creed might be able to be cleared and a true Malaysian will be the norm soon. We could only hope for it. The rest of the day I thought that WOW, I could pass off as a Chinese descent... Hehe

But on the way back, I sat next to a pilot and a foreign student of Indonesian origin. The student asked "Bapak mau pulang ke Jakarta?" Which brought me back to reality. Hmmm....

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