Its been a while since I did some spring cleaning, stuff accumulated has taken up space in the storage. So I have allocated the weekend to attend to it. Surprisingly, there's a lot of stuff that invokes the memories that have to be cleared off, even though deep down inside I wish that I could keep it forever.
There has been countless of shoes, some bought on impulse, some after long wait to get it at the sales ..Some of it were of the boys, branded but outgrown, not suitable to be handed over to adik. All those which in good working order found their way to the charity drop off bag, whilst those with missing parts or in need of repair were discarded.
Toys are also getting the same treatment. Along with clothes. And a friend dropped off some groceries to be given away too.
I guess that I have been a sort of keep it for life person. My HRC TShirt was decommissioned by the mrs when I was not around. Its kinda hard for me to let go some of my cherished stuff, but when the time comes, I still need to let it go. Maybe it can be of use for someone else.
I even didn't realised that I have certain stuff stored away in good condition. I didn't realised when it was in storage but when it came to giving it away, I kinda *sayang* to do it. Dunno, maybe its just me..
Talking about spring cleaning, I have decided to give black beauty a facial with the seven seater would follow suit, before raya. Just waiting on the results after this.
Enough of my ramblings ...
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