Sunday, December 31, 2006

Like Father Like Son

For the upcoming new year, we have decided to try a new haircut, plus the barber was giving a 2 for 1 special :-0

Eid Mubarak & A Happy New Year !

Saturday, December 30, 2006

A Really Hectic Two Weeks for Me!

The past two weeks has been really hectic for me. It started off with loads of work to do at the office due to the year end, pending & new investigation that need to be wrapped up, my brother's wedding preparation, the flood in the southern states and the mrs. condition due to the pregnancy.

It all started last week when I was supposed to do finish tidying all the outstanding works, only to find out that there has been a major failure that warrants investigation. Then there was the news that flood has rendered three southern malaysian states into emergency status. On top of that, the mrs. has to visit the gynae twice for some observation wrt the pregnancy.

Then the weekend came with all the wedding preparation and the actual function itself. I've applied leave until the year end to finish off my annual leave allocation, only to find out that there was an urgent meeting on Christmas Day, plus I was on standby at the operation room after that. Then came the day trip to JB on Boxing Day, in which it was raining and gloomy all day long. I had only slept 4 hrs max. per night.

Then when I got back, the mrs. was in such a weak condition that when we went to the GP, he straight away asked for her to be admitted to the hospital, as it was a severe case of Hyperemesis Gravidarum. So off to the ER we went, had her admitted for three days. This is when I discovered I was I in the wrong profession, as a mere 5 mins visit by a so-called 'specialist' could earn him RM150++(Our gynae was away for a holiday, hence we got the backup gynae, which was supposed to be a 'class' above than ourr normal gynae, but I found that his bedside manners was lacking as he keeps fidgeting around and never had any physical contact with the patient and yet command high RM for his consultation). Anyway, the mrs. is still in not in the clear, hence our plan to 'balik kampung' for the upcoming Eid is stil 50/50.

The new year is just around the corner and I still haven't settled the boy's school matters yet due to all the event above, and I still need to do some shopping during the year end sale. Hope things would turn around for me in the coming new year.

p.s - to the kind friend who has been my GPS during the JB trip, your assisstance was highly appreciated. Without the help, I wouldn't have discovered the 'seedy' side of JB ;-), cloak & dagger operations of some 'stall' operators and the thought that Pasir Gudang in on the same direction as Stulang (guilty of being a KL'ite all my life)

Friday, December 29, 2006

Achik's Wedding - Reception on our side

The theme was purple & white. Everything has to be decked in the official colour or will incur the wrath of the BOSS! It was a very long day, fortunately the weather was fine until the function ends (or was it due to ASP Mamat's singing?) I was on usherer's duty on the day. The turnout was about 80%. To all who has made the day possible, we would like to express our hearfelt gratitude for all your assistance in making the day a success.


Setup for guests

Calm before the storm

Kompang boys

Makan Beradap - notice the videocameraman determined
look to capture the ceremony in all its glory

Mr & Mrs Boss

Tea & Coffee Corner
The couple & friends

Malu-malu plak dia!

p.s. Happy 3rd Birthday Adam Nuqman

The groom on pot cleaning duty

Last but not least, welcome to the family Erna!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Congratulations Achik & Erna

Duduk dua sejoli,
Atas pelamin berseri,
Dihias intan baiduri,
Sebagai raja sehari.

Direnjis-renjis dipilis,
Ditepungilah tawar,
Hai beras kunyit ditabur,
Disiram si air mawar

Solemnation of the marriage

The Happy Couple

'Bersanding' Ceremony

Pasangan Sedondon

ps. Happy Birthday to Angah
Attack of the Saliva Brigade

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Friends- Old & New

My schoolmates have setup this email-group, where it is for keeping up with the hapennings of everyone regardless of distance. Some of us are in the country, some out of the country, some has announcements to make and even work as a sounding board to some. This is the closest that we have been since leaving school in 1991. Some of us have not even met since then. Even though we've organised annual gatherings, impromptu teh tarik session, buka puasa or sahur session, its hard to gather everyone together and by the virtue of technology, the cyberspace is the only place where people could keep up with the latest happenings either through email or IM/YM.

A few friends have goods news to share - eg addition to the family, new job at a new place, impending wedding and also the sad news - eg. loss of a child, parents, siblings. A few has some issues pertinent to life to get second opinions from, maybe a free medical consultation from 'in-house' doctors, share (KLSE) tips, networking, which business to venture in etc. etc.

In retrospect, I have been pondering about what constitute a friendship. Imagine someone whom we are close to at one particular time could act / feel like a stranger now. Things that were in common years were just memory kept in the annals of time. And somehow new friends could felt like they have been your best friend forever.

I read somewhere that a good friend would stand by you through thick & thin but a great friend would go through it with you. So to all my friends of the past, present and the future, lets cherish what we have.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

TheThin Blue Line

No, not the Rowan Atkinson / BBC Comedy (The Thin Blue Line) Variety

But more of these type of the *eagerly anticipated* blue lines

After trying for more than 3 years, we are excited and thankful with this result. Our son now is 5 years old and longing for a baby/companion (so do we) hence this news comes at the appropriate time. It has been a roller coaster ride of emotions for the past 2 years (anticipation, hope, frustration) but thank god it has materialised now.


Langkawi Trip - Part 2 (Pulau Payar)

Here's some more pictures that I took using a disposable underwater camera. The images are a bit grainy due to the film used (ISO 800) but the camera has been proven handy for these sort of activities. It is prudent to keep all electronics stuff away from water especially salt water, but the drawback is that the videocam is also left on board, hence no video on the shark feeding activities *sighs*

on the launching deck at the coral platform

trying to *find* their water feet/fin

lets swim with the fishes

fish feeding time

help!help! man overboard!these are the kind of fishes that we swim with. Don't let the small size
fool you, they still bites.
Shark feeding - they can smell the blood

*theme to JAWS plays in the background*

Enticing the baby sharks to the water's edge

They're coming in for the kill

Feeding frenzy - shark out of water

Teasing Of The Sharks - only to be done by professionals

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Langkawi Island Trip - Part 1

Flight tickets for 3 - RM 540.00

Boat Trip To Pulau Payar for 3 - RM 490.00

Sea sickness during the trip - RM ?

Seeing the look on this little snorkeler & the view under the sea - PRICELESS

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Solidly Booked Weekends

It’s official. My weekends are now solidly booked from now till the New Year of 2007.

Sneak Peek of what’s in store :

26 Nov – 27 Nov Penang

2 Dec – 4 Dec - Langkawi

9 Dec – 10 Dec - Brother’s Wedding Preparation

Work trip to Holland ( if approved )

16 Dec – 17 Dec - Brother’s Wedding on the Bride’s Side

23 Dec – 24 Dec - Brother’s Reception on Groom’s Side

30 Dec – 1 Jan/07 - Aidiladha @ Kuantan

I still have the weekdays to fill in now. Wonder what it feels like to be a super busy person like leaders of countries or big corporations, where their calendar was planned years/month ahead.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

1 little, 2 little, 3 little ......

The three cousins : Wawa, Aiman & Adam

Mischief Maker. That's right. Don't let the cute smiles and faces fool you. They could stir up trouble faster than you could say "Whatchamacallit"

The three of them would play nicely one minute and fight each other the next. Sometimes, you couldn't tell whether they're playing or having a fight amongst each other. Plus, when they demand your attention, they would do every imaginable action to ensure you gave them your full attention. And don't get them started talking. You won't hear the details because they will talk together at the same time.

But whatever mischief that they're up to, they know that when they turn on their charm, it will melt away the anger that we have within. Love you all.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Master of the more

Our helper has gone back for her month break. That leaves us to do the household chores by ourself. Its back to the old routine we had when we didn't have any help around. Hence everyone has to pull their weight around. Including me.....

rare creature spotted mopping up

A pair of Crocs Sighted

Bandar Kinrara - An astonishing and monumental discovery has been made today in the suburbs of Kuala Lumpur when a pair of Crocs have been sighted in the vicinity of the residential area. The area which is located in Puchong, which is also synonymous with its "Buaya Puchong", has been shocked to the core with its discovery.

Reports have been confirmed that the pair have been found by Aiman Hadi Sharizal, 5 whilst playing."Initially, I was curious about the pair when I first saw them. But after approaching, I found out that they are not dangerous and looked cute. I love to see the green on them". The boys parent refused to issue any statement but the father has remarked " Boys will be boys, they simply found out about things and wanted to keep it and take it home"

Incoherent Ramblings have been lucky to catch and document a picture of this elusive creature as the boy would want to let it go from his hold. After much persuasion, he finally relented with this remark,"Please take good care of the pair of Crocs. I've told them to behave for the photo shoot and I want to take them to Langkawi for my vacation"~ Reuters

ps. pics didn't turn out right. Its supposed to be lime, not light blue. This is caused by the flourescent lighting.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Three Weddings and Lots of Open Houses

The end of the year is usually waited with eagerness by school going students. It is usually where the get a long break from school, also a hectic time for parents as they need to plan to fill up the ‘idle’ time. Also this is known as the ‘wedding season’ as a lot of couples decides to tie the knot during the school holidays. Coincidentally, this year end of the year school holidays also coincides with Syawal hence there are open houses invites abound.

This year is going to be a bumper harvest for the clan. 2 of my cousins and my brother would be tying the knot in the space of these 2 months, plus with the invites of open houses, the weekend are solidly booked. (Wonder what it’ll do to my waistline )

1st Wedding – 12 November 2006 – Fakir & Nurul

About the same age as Achik, but got married earlier. The two used to fight like cats and dogs when they were small, but now Fakir has the upper hand. Now enrolled as an ASP in PDRM, hence the wedding ceremony was held in full Police tradition and him wearing the Ceremonial Uniform.

Also had the ‘walk under the sword’ and ‘sword cake cutting ceremony’ accompanied with bagpipe band along with the traditional kompang. It was good to see that the preparations for the wedding are done by the community, where the norm nowadays was to have caterings. It rained but not so heavily as per the usual thunderstorm, so for the next wedding next week which is held at the same place, a strong ‘bomoh hujan’ would have to be seeked.

2nd Wedding – 16 November 2006 – Amy & Ann

When we first saw the card, we were perplexed as the two names are usually girls name. Are we having a ‘new breed’ of wedding here? Eventually we found out that this is the nicknames for the two bride and groom, as you would have different names to different social circle.

3 rd Wedding – 24th Disember 2006 – Achik & Erna

Pics and story to follow

Raya Open Houses

Too many to mention. Some we could make it to, some we couldn’t , either way appreciate the gesture and hope that you’ll have a blast of a time organising it.