Monday, May 31, 2010

The last of my wisdom

I went to the dentist today to get my wisdom tooth cavity filled. I don't know why, but all my wisdom teeth have erupted, and three of them have been removed. The last one standing have some cavity issues, as per the other three but as far as I have known, no other tooth have experienced cavity at all.

Could it be due to my oral hygiene or the last all the wisdom teeth are made from different material?

I dunno ..

but I do know, the last one is another 2 day MC waiting to be taken once I feel like it...

There is an end to everything

"There is an end to everything, even to good things"

One of the article that I read during my Sunday read starts with that. That adage holds true for the situation that we are in today. As what I can see, the news nowadays comes from the government, who have been working hard to wake us up from our slumber that things are not going to be as rosy as what they painted during the process of selecting them into power.

Slowly but surely, things that we have now would be taken away from us, either knowingly or unknowingly. This would almost all the time being followed by the adage. Where are we heading now? Back to the olden but golden days? Does the good old times would be followed by a better future?

It seems to me that at the back of our minds, this adage would ring in any situation that we are in. Are we ready to face it once the end looms near? Do we bite the bullet and just go through the inevitable or we just linger on with the hope that things would be back to what it were, and everyone will be happily ever after?

Its kind of hard to say, I would say go with the flow, but what will happen when the flow ends?

There is an end to everything, even to good things. Cherish them while it lasts.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Its been a while

It has been a while since this blog been updated.

Work wise it has been hectic, just came back after being away for 2 weeks, Ipoh & JB. Would be away again till the end of the month.

My day trip to JB last Friday was very eventful. Firstly I met my dad, who coincidentally is on his way there on the same flight. We also sat on the same row, albeit across the aisle, shared the same cab in JB and met him during the Friday prayers. Due to the Friday flight arrangement, my dad opted to take the bus back and not the flight, else I would have spent most of the day with him in JB. That's more than I do while we are in KL ... hehehe .. not a sign of a good son ..

Then on the way back, I was assigned the emergency exit seat, than theres this young dude sitting next to me.. I started lamenting about the seat as it couldn't be reclined, then we started talking.. turns out he was on his way to KL to join MENTOR 4. I was puzzled as I recalled, the show had already started... long story short, he was selected to replace Ziana Zain's protege, who for some reason opt to drop out, and his concert was on Sunday, less than 48 hours ... To Izwan, all the best and good luck ...