Sunday, March 30, 2008

Quick updates:

Haven't be able to update the blog regularly due to work schedule, hence this all-in-one updates :

  • Been on the road too much for the last 1 month. I have clocked in 3000 miles / 4800 km driving distance in one month. This meant that I have gone through half of the recommended service interval, which normally last for 4 months on average. Now looks like a visit to Amiaq is on the horizon, which by the way I still owe him for the last servicing.

  • The mrs will be starting work on Monday after two months maternity leave.

  • Took the boy to a specialist ENT as he’s been complaining about pain in his ear. This has been going on since 2006, but visits to the GP & so called ‘pediatrician’ haven’t been able to solve it. What the doc did was removal of some stubborn ear wax, did a quick scan and declared that his ears are ok. But what concern him are the tonsils, which have been noted in the boy’s medical records. He has suggested tonsillectomy, the removal of the tonsil, a common procedure nowadays. So now seeking second opinions from qualified & trained doctors among friends plus well informed parents about taking up this procedure. The boy had so many ‘medical procedures’ and ‘unwanted/not needed’ body parts removed than me and he’s only 7.

Unlike this guy who had a major part of his brain missing yet he's still able to run the 'greatest nation on Earth'
  • Latest in Adi’s development milestone, she can now ‘oohh’ and ‘aahh’ along to our conversation, which makes her part of it. As if she’s contributing to the conversation. New pics of her included below.

  • Went to Keranduts Inc gathering, meeting called by none other than HM King Kerandut himself. As per Keranduts tradition, no significant others were allowed, as it was a boys nite out only. Some of them I haven’t met since leaving school and how time flies during the session.

  • The Boy took his karate test and managed to be upgraded to Green Belt. Way to go Boy, we are proud of you.
Karate Kids

Sunday, March 23, 2008

At a crossroad

I am in a dilemma,
on which path to take,
the path forward,
is something that I would wish for,
for going through it would also brings innovation & advancement,
But its not something that I should rush into.

The path on the left,
would just leave me in the stream,
just enjoying the odyssey to the next destination.

To choose the right path,
would be leading into the grand living,
also serenity associated with it.

Alas I know,
all the three path I could not take at once,
hence please provide guidance,
on which path to take,
because it will not only affect me,
but everyone around me as well.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A day in the life of a superhero

Miss N Osyrep Orter (MNOO):

Here we are, in front of SuperHeroes Inc, where all the SuperHeroes(TM) worked. Let's see if we could find someone that we could talk to. Hey, that's the super famous, Mr Dependable. Hey, Mr Dependable, do you have a minute?

Mr Dependable ( MrD ) :

Sure, I could spare some time for you. Wadda you wanna know?


We saw you leaving the office a few minutes ago, then you went back in as fast as you went out. Is that a rescue mission, some damsel in distress, a town attacked by giant monsters ?

MrD :

Ohh, that....hmmm.. how do I put it, I was about to undertake a task as per assigned by my sector head but then as soon as I set foot out, the task was revoked and I was instructed to be back at the SHInc.


I see. So you have some sort of command structure here. Can you take us through your hierarchy ?


Sure, we got the Powers-That-Be, which forms the I-have-the-Power group, then the Grand Powers, Chief Powers and General Powers, which I am in. So I report to the Chief Powers, they to the Grand and the Grand to the PTB.


So it must have been an important task to have one revoked in a matter of minutes?

MrD :

Oh yeah, totally. I was asked to standby...


To standby, for what, care to elaborate ?

MrD :

Standby for the PTB man... that is the best job around. I mean, you got all your tasks revoked and you are asked to be waiting at some uncertain location in case the PTB has any questions for you. I mean, the questions asked are normally a life-and-death kinda of question, national security etc, restricted access, eyes only, top secret etc if you get my drift ....


OK, meaning that you were called off your assigned task for something more important.. Gee.. what a great job you have MrD...

MrD :

Yeah, it was I could sit around all day pretending to be busy coz I'm on standby, not that I want to but I have to be prepared to be summoned by the PTB at any yeah, its cool... never have I thought that a piece of paper in hand and during your walkabouts around the office puts you in the same league of the Grands, man...


Wait a minute, does that mean that you were called off an actual task and were asked to do nothing except for looking busy? If thats the case, that would be a waste of resources right where actual action could be taken and lives would actually be saved. Ouch... hey did you just lasered me?

MrD :

Sorry about that, my firing trigger seems to be misfiring today. Need to go to the SHInc lab to attended to it. Do not underestimate the importance of the standby duty man... got to go, see you around


There you have it folks, Heroes called off assigned duty to be put on standby. Ouch..da*m it MrD, it hurts..Miss N Osyrep Orter, sigining off infront of the SuperHeroes Inc Head Quarters.

MrD (from afar ) :

Sorry ......

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Adi's new do & Mention in 'Mainstream Media'

1. Adi's New Do

Adi got a brand new do yesterday, in keeping up with the tradition of 'mencukur jambul'. I was given the task to ensure that Adi was cleanly shaven as it was done as cautiously as possible to avoid hurting her delicate head. The results ? Have a look for your self :-

Muka bulat, mata bulat , rambut ... takde ...


2. Mention in a mainstream media

Your truly was having lunch @ Bangsar the other day and was walking towards BV when I was stooped by two ladies. Initially I brushed them off, thinking that they were soliciting funds of some sort of charity organisation. Then they told me that they're doing a piece on whether the internet & SMS had influenced the recent general election. Being intrigued and seeing whether they would skewed the response from 'a man on the street' I decided to participate. This was the piece as published on NST Sunday 16 March 2008. They took my pics but didn't use it.

ST Online » Focus 2008/03/16
Surf’s up with Net power

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WHILE some thought it annoying, others welcomed the flood of SMSes that “beeped” throughout the election period.

In addition to this “new” source of news, they also relentlessly surfed the Internet for “unbiased” news.

Cecilia Anthony Das, 33, was one of the thousands who clicked through various political websites, hoping to learn more about the March 8 elections.

“I sat in front of my computer for as long as 14 hours a day, since nomination day. I would start as early as 9am and only stop at 11pm. I do read the newspapers but I don’t rely on them 100 per cent. I read a lot of political articles on the Internet, but I had already decided who to vote for long before switching on my computer,” said the lawyer.

“Although I received hundreds of SMSes throughout this election period, I was doubtful about their authenticity, especially since most were jokes and rumours. However, they did make you think.”

Sharizal Shamuri, 34, said the Internet provided unbiased reports on political matters before, during and even after polling day.

“The alternative media definitely affected the general election this year.

“The public got to view the situation of the country from their homes.

“I lost count of the SMSes I received. I read each one of them but some of them were not credible. They were sent just to stir things up,” said the engineer from Kuala Lumpur.

Das and Sharizal joined thousands of Malaysians who were surfing the Net to gobble up news and information about the general election, especially on polling day and the following day.

For instance, the New Straits Times website received 970,000 visits from midnight on election day to midnight the following day.

A spokesman for Jaring, the internet service provider, said the NST traffic increased threefold from 30 megabits-per-second (mbps) (the total information flow over a given time) on normal days to 96 mbps during the election weekend.

He added that traffic related to polling, which included registration and results, increased by more than nine times during the announcement of the results compared to the previous week.

Incoming access from overseas users also doubled.

A spokesman for Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) said the highest Internet traffic recorded on election day was from the central areas of the Klang Valley.

And particularly so from Brickfields, Cyberjaya, Kelana Jaya, Wangsa Maju, Klang and Putrajaya.

“Internet users in the central areas alone utilised 17gb (gigabyte) of internet bandwidth. The highest Internet traffic was recorded around 4pm,” she said.

Mobile phone operators too saw an increase in SMS traffic on election day.

A spokesman for Maxis said the increase in voice and SMS traffic on March 8 came close to matching traditional high-traffic seasonal events such as New Year’s eve —the busiest day for voice and SMS traffic.

“Our SMS traffic increased by 31 per cent and voice calls by 27 per cent on polling day, compared to a normal day.

“SMS-based news alert services were also popular, with a large number of customers signing up for election updates and results.” Maxis, which has a subscriber base of over 9 million, serviced 600,000 customers who accessed the Election Commission (EC) link from their mobile phones.

This data service enabled customers to check on the contesting parties in their voting area and polling centre locations, through a link which connected clients to the online EC website.

The Maxis spokesman added that although this service was also available during the 2004 general election, only 500,000 subscribers took advantage of it then.

Celcom saw an increase of 0.5 per cent for average daily SM usage during the election period from Feb 24 to March 8.

A spokesman for Digi said: “We noticed an average increment of five per cent for SMS traffic leading up to voting day and a 15 per cent increase on polling day, compared to with normal day.”


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Now Listening To

Hujan - Bila Aku Sudah Tiada

A song from one of the latest local offering - not bad for an independent band. Request from a fren...sorry JD, that day don't have it on me so can't BT... muahahaha... sendiri mau sendiri cari la...

Friday, March 07, 2008

Minor updates

1, My immediate boss was transferred to another department today. So all of us in the unit has managed to chip in for some going away present, which was well received. Something profesionallly done yet have the personal touch. Good luck in your future undertaking boss and thanks for the mentoring, nurturing, guidance and words of encouragement all this while. Words could not express our thanks and gratitude to you.

2. The election fever is at its highest today. Tomorrow all the eligible Malaysian would be casting their votes for their choice of the government that they want. Please vote and let yourself be heard otherrwise you might just as well suffer in silence.

Image from here

3. Steamyx suck man -for the past few days have been experiencing poor service plus connection to my fav sites have been throttled. The office connection was even worse ..... Grrrr ...

4. Adi is more responsive nowadays plus her patterns have more or less been established. Some new photos :-

Me : Bi, which part again of her that looks like me? Most of her features looked like you je...
Mrs : Adalah, the receding hair je ... hahahaha

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Yang Mana Satu

Yang Mana Satu
Idaman Kalbu
Tidak Tertahan
Menanggung Rindu
Mungkinkah Jauh
Hingga ke Bulan
Atau Dibalik Dacing Yang Biru

Kalaulah Aku
Jadi Temanmu
Kroni Mengkroni
Serah Padaku

Kalaulah Aku
Jadi MPmu
Minda Rakyat
Aku Cuci

Oh Tukang Timbang
Aku Tak Sudi
Hai Tukang Roket
Mata Hitam Turun Ke Hati
Aku mencari biar berpadan
Asal dihati Dapat Berkenan

Inilah dia, yang dicari-carinya
Mainstream Media, Aku Yang Punya
Ini Orangnya, Idaman Dara,
Internet Ada, Blog Pun Ada

Oh Sungguh Susah, Cari Pasangan
Tak Mau Yang Merah, Biru Pun Bukan
Hati Dah Bosan, Tidak Berkenan,
Sebab Perangai Semuanya Tidak Siuman

~ sing to the tune of Yang Mana Satu - P Ramlee & Saloma ~

Yang Mana Satu ek?