Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A day in the life of a superhero

Miss N Osyrep Orter (MNOO):

Here we are, in front of SuperHeroes Inc, where all the SuperHeroes(TM) worked. Let's see if we could find someone that we could talk to. Hey, that's the super famous, Mr Dependable. Hey, Mr Dependable, do you have a minute?

Mr Dependable ( MrD ) :

Sure, I could spare some time for you. Wadda you wanna know?


We saw you leaving the office a few minutes ago, then you went back in as fast as you went out. Is that a rescue mission, some damsel in distress, a town attacked by giant monsters ?

MrD :

Ohh, that....hmmm.. how do I put it, I was about to undertake a task as per assigned by my sector head but then as soon as I set foot out, the task was revoked and I was instructed to be back at the SHInc.


I see. So you have some sort of command structure here. Can you take us through your hierarchy ?


Sure, we got the Powers-That-Be, which forms the I-have-the-Power group, then the Grand Powers, Chief Powers and General Powers, which I am in. So I report to the Chief Powers, they to the Grand and the Grand to the PTB.


So it must have been an important task to have one revoked in a matter of minutes?

MrD :

Oh yeah, totally. I was asked to standby...


To standby, for what, care to elaborate ?

MrD :

Standby for the PTB man... that is the best job around. I mean, you got all your tasks revoked and you are asked to be waiting at some uncertain location in case the PTB has any questions for you. I mean, the questions asked are normally a life-and-death kinda of question, national security etc, restricted access, eyes only, top secret etc if you get my drift ....


OK, meaning that you were called off your assigned task for something more important.. Gee.. what a great job you have MrD...

MrD :

Yeah, it was awesome...like I could sit around all day pretending to be busy coz I'm on standby, not that I want to but I have to be prepared to be summoned by the PTB at any time...so yeah, its cool... never have I thought that a piece of paper in hand and during your walkabouts around the office puts you in the same league of the Grands, man...


Wait a minute, does that mean that you were called off an actual task and were asked to do nothing except for looking busy? If thats the case, that would be a waste of resources right where actual action could be taken and lives would actually be saved. Ouch... hey did you just lasered me?

MrD :

Sorry about that, my firing trigger seems to be misfiring today. Need to go to the SHInc lab to attended to it. Do not underestimate the importance of the standby duty man... got to go, see you around


There you have it folks, Heroes called off assigned duty to be put on standby. Ouch..da*m it MrD, it hurts..Miss N Osyrep Orter, sigining off infront of the SuperHeroes Inc Head Quarters.

MrD (from afar ) :

Sorry ......

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