Thursday, September 02, 2010

Workplace Hazard

It has happened again. Fatal accident at work. The post accident procedure has taken place. Loads of info to get, statements, root cause analysis, mitigating action etc ...

At least this time around I'm just in the investigating committee. Part of the job description. Better than being the person in charge dealing with next of kins.

I've experienced that once. The hardest part it to face the family saying that your son/husband/father was involved in an accident. Then the reassurance that they gonna make it thru whereas deep in your heart you know that the chances is slim. The dealing of grief on behalf of the family, colleagues and subordinates. The keeping up morale for all.

The hardest part for me is keeping the memories alive. After the accident, they are bound to be disfigured and I can't stand that. I would rather have the last memory of them as a complete person, not someone who has passed due to some tragedy. Maybe I'm not normal in that respect.


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