Saturday, July 26, 2008

Services beyond the call of duty

A colleague passed this around one day, apparently it was left on his windshield along with hundreds of others one day. The first time reading it, I was like "ini macam nyer service pun ada ke?" Some of my colleagues commented that they have a catchy tagline and we might need to change our departments into something along the line ...

So to those who :

  • might be needing the services due to circumstances you're in at the moment
  • just curious about the services
  • would want to render your 'services' as well, know who you are , just ada brani ke? ...
could call the number and see how they could accommodate to your needs and requirements...hehe...sepeat-cepat sebelum Harian Metro got wind of it and decided to do an expose about it...

disclaimers :

  • the writer does not know the authenticity of the claim of the services nor whether it was as a prank, nor has he ever called the numbers up
  • the writer is not in any way related to this, it was passed on by a Tuan Haji, hence the writer has faith in what has been related
  • the alleged place of the distribution of these flyers were in the capital of the state with nine districts/provinces
  • the writer holds no responsibility whatsoever about the consequences of those who called up the numbers after reading about it here...caveat emptor..
  • This is posted as to enlighten us about claims that this services do exists and they are taking it to the next level

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.